The amount of stuff that a dog will consume greatly outweighs the amount it will not consume. As dog owners, it is our responsibility to educate ourselves on foods that may be beneficial to humans but are detrimental to our dogs. Many individuals are unaware that simple food items we consume daily can be lethal to our canine companions. Many of us are guilty of sneaking a morsel of food from the dinner table to Fido without realising the danger. The most effective method to avoid a potentially disastrous situation with your dog is to educate yourself about everyday household food that is toxic to pets. The following list details the fifteen most frequent foods to avoid giving your dog.
Our houses are teeming with items that can cause harm or death to our pets. This contains certain meals and plants. Dogs are significantly less discriminating than cats and hence get into more mischief. As dog owners, we owe it to ourselves to educate ourselves about potential dangers to our dogs. As with a toddler, we should create a safe, pleasant, and worry-free environment in our house. If you suspect your dog has gotten into something he shouldn't have and may have been poisoned, contact your veterinarian immediately.